Couples Therapy

Are you, or you and your couple partner, having difficulties with your couple relationship?


Thinking about couple relationship, do any of these items apply to you, or you and your couple partner?

  • Is the relationship feeling too close or too distanced?
  • Is there a lack of intimacy?
  • Are you struggling with emotional or everyday communication?
  • Are there escalating conflicts without any resolution (e.g., anger exchanges, aggression, serious withdrawals and detachment)?
  • Is the other person in the relationship threatening to you?
  • Do you find yourself in rigid relationship patterns and don’t know how to change them?
  • Are problem solving and negotiating tasks in everyday life a challenge?
  • Are there difficulties dealing with the aftermath of an emotional or sexual affair?
  • Are there difficulties with trust?
  • Are there an increasing number of conversations in which one or both individuals are becoming emotionally distressed (e.g., hurt, scared, angry, sad, frightened)?
  • Is there a lack of desire for sex, or a lack of sexual connection?
  • Are there different sexual desire levels or sexual interests?
  • Is sex in your couple relationship satisfying?
  • Is eroticism in your couple relationship diminishing?

Help Is Available

If you said yes to any of the above, you might consider meeting with one of the highly trained mental health professionals in the Couples Therapy Treatment Service at CFIR. Our mental health professionals can support you to address your concerns, issues or struggles related to couple relationship.

How do we help you, or you and your partner, to improve your relationship functioning?

We will:

  • Provide you with a confidential, compassionate, and caring therapeutic relationship to create comfort in discussing the most intimate details of your couple difficulties
  • Offer you a comprehensive, individually-tailored assessment of your couple relationship functioning
  • Collaboratively set your treatment goals to ensure that you, or you and your partner’s concerns and needs are adequately addressed
  • Employ relevant scientific, evidence-based treatments to help you achieve your treatment goals, including: Cognitive-Behavioural, Emotion-Focused, Mindfulness, Psychodynamic-Mentalization-Attachment-based and Systemic approaches
  • Offer various short, medium or long-term treatment options
  • Identify referrals to other professionals as needed

We help you with your current couple relationship by supporting you to:

  • Build a more emotionally and physically intimate relationship (e.g., increasing emotional closeness, physical and sexual contact; diminishing separation fears; resolving high-conflict exchanges and altering negative relationship patterns)
  • Restore trust (e.g., healing from emotional and sexual affairs, betrayals, emotional injuries involving a perceived lack of support, breaches of confidentiality and privacy and difficulties trusting self and other)
  • Improve communication, problem-solving and negotiation skills (e.g., strengthen emotional communication; conflict-resolution related to finances, sex, household management and in-laws; problem-solving; and, creating work-life-family balance)
  • Become stronger parents (e.g., develop parenting and co-parenting skills; resolve parenting problems and conflicts; creating consistent parenting strategies; managing parenting transitions)
  • Manage a difficult separation and divorce and maintain a positive co-parenting relationship (e.g., establish a constructive relationship in the aftermath of separation and divorce; negotiate co-parenting agreements; resolve conflicts and develop new relationship boundaries)

Find A Therapist

We have many mental health therapists at each of our locations who offer this service. Please select a location below to see a list: