Flavia Saad, MSc.
I was born and raised in Sao Paulo, Brazil, and moved to Toronto in 2019 to broaden my education and have an opportunity to study Psychology and Neuropsychology under different supervisors with different views and cultural background; I have learned so much in this past 4 years and I’m happy to bring this knowledge to my clients. In addition to that, in my 10 years’ experience as a Neuropsychologist in Brazil I have worked with different populations and people with the most diverse backgrounds, which helped me understand that differences cannot always be measured by tests, and a precise diagnoses should be the result of empathetic interviews, detailed information collection and data interpretation.
My Master’s thesis was on in Theory of Mind, which is the ability to attribute mental states, including emotion, desires, beliefs, and recognize that other people’s thoughts and beliefs may differ from yours, has been of the most importance to be able to understand and assess clients with autistic trades and looking not only for a diagnoses but for information and recommendations. With that comes experience assessing and providing differential diagnoses for cases of ADHD, depression, anxiety, social anxiety, PTSD, and other psychological, neurological, and neurodevelopmental concerns.
I also have been studying and researching dementia, especially Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disorder, and Frontal-Temporal dementia since 2010 and can provide a complete assessment of all brain functions (memory, language, attention, executive function, emotions) and diagnoses.
When you come in for an assessment, we will discuss all of your questions and concerns through a diagnostic interview, and a neuropsychological test battery is developed for you and with that we can access all your cognitive and intellectual functions – this will show us your present neuropsychological profile. After that, I work with my supervisor to construct your case conceptualization, prepare your report, and lasty, have a feedback session with you to explain all our findings, diagnosis and recommendations. My work is supervised by Dr. Peter Egeto, C.Psych who shares with me his passion and extensive knowledge of the field and empathetic approach to our clients.
I have worked since 2009 as a clinical Psychologist and Neuropsychologist in a private clinic in Sao Paulo, Brazil, as a researcher at UNIFESP (Federal University of Sao Paulo, BR) and more recently, in Canada, as a neurology research coordinator at Sunnybrook Hospital and as a Psychometrist at CFIR.
Below are some of my publications:
- Saad, F., Bertolucci, P.H.F. Portuguese version of the Faux Pas Test. Available at https://www.autismresearchcentre.com/arc_tests. 2014.
- Lorena Broseghini Barcelos, Flavia Saad, Carla Giacominelli, Roberta Arb Saba, Patrícia Maria de Carvalho Aguiar, Sonia Maria Azevedo Silva, Vanderci Borges, Paulo Henrique Ferreira Bertolucci, Henrique Ballalai Ferraz. Neuropsychological and clinical heterogeneity of cognitive impairment in patients with multiple system atrophy. Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery, Volume 164, 2018. Pages 121-126. ISSN 0303-8467. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.clineuro.2017.10.039
- Neves, L. M., Silva-Batista, C., Marquesini, R., da Cunha, T. F., Dimateo, E., Nascimento, L., Moreira-Neto, A., de Lima Miliatto, A. C., das Chagas Mendes, S., Saad, F., Codogno, J. S., Nunes, R. H., Ritti-Dias, R. M., Juday, V., Lafer, B. Ugrinowitsch, C. (2018). Aerobic exercise program with or without motor complexity as an add-on to the pharmacological treatment of depression – study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials, 19(1), 545. doi:10.1186/s13063-018-2906-y