Be ready for your new client portal!
Please bookmark & visit frequently as we continuously add documents.
For all support topics please use our extensive and illustrated support form at http://bit.ly/3JFvrLc If you still require support after consulting our solutions, this form can be sent and your request will be prioritized.
Below are some of the popular topics you will encounter in the support form.
FAQ – more details found at http://bit.ly/3JFvrLc
I’m trying to activate ClientConnect but it will not take my date of birth.
In order to facilitate the process, we defaulted the date of birth to 01/01/1930 or January 01, 1930. Once activated highly suggest you modify this fictitious date of birth to yours in the About Me section.
I’m trying to activate ClientConnect but it is returning the error “Post not supported (405)”
The error ” post not supported (405)” refers to the type of web browser. ClientConnect works with the latest stable version of the following browsers:
- Google Chrome
- Firefox
- Microsoft Edge (Windows OS only)
- Safari (Mac OSX only)
We suggest to clear the history/cache or use another browser.
If you are on a smartphone or a mobile device and it keeps giving you this error, please try to activate from a laptop or a desktop computer.
I activated successfully and I lost the login page. Where can I log in to ClientConnect?
The login url is: https://cfir.client-connect.org
I am trying to book appointments in SuperSaas for after January 31st, 2022 but the system will not let me.
This is normal. As of Sunday January 23rd, 2022 there will be a freeze on booking appointments dating January 31st, 2022 and beyond.
You will be able to resume booking as of the ClientConnect go-live date of Monday January 31st, 2022 but this time directly from ClientConnect.
Your therapist’s SuperSaas scheduler will remain available to consult until the end of March 2022. Booking new appointments will not be permitted. This to allow you to see your session historic as well as recuperating your Huddle link if you therapist is using Huddle.
Will I find my invoices prior to January 31, 2022 in ClientConnect?
This is not currently possible due to the complexity of the process and potential errors we want to avoid. Invoices for sessions and services dating January 31, 2022 and before will not be found in ClientConnect. If not already paid in full, you will continue receiving those invoices via email.
Will I be able to pay via ClientConnect for invoices dated January 31, 2022 and before?
Please continue paying invoices dated January 31, 2022 and before via our payment page https://cfir.ca/payments
You used to send my invoices prior to the appointment. I have one tomorrow and it is not showing in ClientConnect
This new system works a bit differently and will only allow the invoice to be generated at the onset of the appointment. ClientConnect will show the invoice immediately after it has been generated on our end.
I am the/one of the parents of my child or dependant and I need to have access to their ClientConnect account to manage it.
Please contact us at clientconnect@cfir.ca and tell us you would like to be added as a surrogate mentioning the name of your dependant. Surrogacy will allow you to manage your dependant’s appointment, pay invoices, etc., as if it were your own account.
Once you are added as a surrogate, you will be asked to choose if you want to log in your own account or in the surrogate account.
I think my therapist accepts In-Office appointments. How do I know when I can book one and how to book it?
By default all sessions booked through ClientConnect are Online sessions.
Your therapist will let you know if they accept In-Office sessions and they should let you know which days they happen. You usually could see those details in ClientConnect.
1- Login to ClientConnect
2- Click on My Services, then Timeline
3- Click on one of the title of the opening of the service you are assigned. In the example below, you would click on “Opened: Counselling”

Then on the next page, below the picture of the therapist you would find the specifics. The text could show “I provide Online & In-Office sessions”, or something like “I provide Online & In-Office sessions. In-Office on Mondays only”.
Then you can book your appointment as usual but please ensure :
1- You leave the Video Session box unticked

2- You add a comment in the Message box

In ClientConnect I can see my invoices. When I view them, the bottom notes mention it is not a suitable document for insurance purposes. Will you provide me with something I can submit?
Of course. The invoices you see in the MY ACCOUNT section contain a lot of detailed information that would be unnecessary for insurers. It is preferable you do not provide those in order to avoid potential investigations or delays in your insurance claim processing.
Once an invoice is fully paid, you will receive a document that can serve as official receipt in ClientConnect. That document will have all the prescribed information to submit to your insurer. This will be made available within 24 business hours.
I am not receiving or seeing my appointment reminder or other communications through ClientConnect
Please verify if you changed your ClientConnect communication settings. You can find them under MY CLIENTCONNECT section, then click on

You should tick “Email” to the following options to ensure you are receiving the important communications.

I have a dependant and I would like to manage my dependant’s ClientConnect account. Is this possible?
The surrogate feature in ClientConnect allows another Individual to act on behalf of the client (with whom they have a relationship with). This feature allows an Individual to manage all aspects of another Individual’s ClientConnect account.
A Surrogate is typically, but not limited to, one of the parents of a child or adolescent. They would be able to make appointments, pay for invoices, fill out documents, etc… in the name of the dependant. When the surrogate logs in to ClientConnect, they will be asked which profile they want to use: theirs or that of their dependant.
IMPORTANT NOTE: the dependant and the surrogate have to have their own district email address registered with us otherwise surrogacy will not work.
Funders (entities that ONLY pay the invoices of a client) like WSIB, Medavie BlueCross, a lawyer’s firm, etc.. are not surrogates. Some parents that only pay for invoices can fall into this category. Funder do not have access to ClientConnect and, therefore, cannot view or pay invoices, cannot manage appointments, etc.
I have a dependant and I would like to have access to paying their invoices only. Is this possible?
Although it is possible you will not have access to your dependant’s ClientConnect account. They will have to communicate you the invoice information (invoice number and amount) or save and email you the invoice. Our website page for payments will give you indications on how to pay via Interac E-Transfers and has a Paypal portal.
It would be a good idea to contact our Receptionists via email at ottawa.admin@cfir.ca and ask them to add you to your dependant’s account as a contact for payment purposes.
My therapist uses Huddle for teletherapy meetings. Will I be changing links?
Huddle permanent room links will not change unless you change therapists. Please keep it bookmarked as they will not necessarily be visible now in ClientConnect.
If you were to start seeing another therapist, a new Huddle link would be provided and you would see it in ClientConnect under ABOUT ME in the contacts area.

My therapist uses SecureVideo for teletherapy meetings. How will I be notified of the link for each session?
SecureVideo links change at every meeting. As soon as it is booked in the SecureVideo portal, the link will appear under CALENDAR / UPCOMING tab. Simply locate the date of the event and the link will be showing. Click on the link or copy it and paste it in your browser.
The link may be available only very close to the date of the appointment.

I received the official invoice/receipt for my insurance. The only option I see is to print. Can I just save an electronic version instead?
Yes! Depending on your device’s operating system it may show different options.
Start by clicking “Print this invoice” (or document, or receipt)
On a MAC:
Choose File > Export as PDF
Type a name for your file and a location to save, and click Save.
Choose File > Print.
Choose Adobe PDF as the printer in the Print dialog box.
Click Print. Type a name for your file and a location to save, and click Save.
On an iPHONE or iPAD:
Once the document is open in the web browser
Click the arrow at the bottom of the screen (“share” function)
You should now see the document title as “Penelope Case manage….”
Then just under the title locate “Options” and click on it
Select PDF as a format, then click OK
From here you can swipe through all the options: you can either email it to yourself using your email client, save it on your iPad or in iCloud, print, etc…
When I cancel an appointment, I get the error: Post not supported (405)
We are aware of this error message and our support team is looking into it. Although it shows as an error, it appears that the appointment is in fact really cancelled. You may check if it still appears by going to the “Calendar” section in ClientConnect and ensure it no longer appears. You will also receive a message of the cancellation in your “Inbox” section.
I activated but I can’t see or update appointments nor can access invoices.
If you are not part of a couple or family account, please verify that your web browser is part of those compatible with ClientConnect.
If you are part of a couple or family account, it is due to the concept of Presenting Participant in ClientConnect.
The Presenting Participant is to be considered the main individual of a couple or family account. That individual is identified as responsible for the financials but also, they are the only ones who can cancel an appointment through ClientConnect that was made for the couple or the family.
Luckily it is easy to change who is the presenting participant. Please send your request to clientconnect@cfir.ca, through a discussion within ClientConnect or via your therapist.