Looking for a Little More “Spring” in Your Step? Examining Circadian Rhythms May Help

It’s the week after the “spring forward” time change for daylight saving time (DST). How are you feeling? Many people feel slight groggy the first Monday after DST starts, due to losing an hour of sleep, but the adverse effects can linger for days or even weeks! Circadian rhythms can affect sleep. Are you looking for proof? One sobering statistic shares that fatal car accidents increase by 6% the week after DST begins.

Circadian Rhythms 

The term circadian means ‘about a day.’ The circadian clock, located deep in the brain in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN), coordinates systems throughout the body, including sleep and hormones. Exposure to light keeps our circadian rhythm tightly linked to the local 24-hour environment. 

Circadian Influence on Sleep 

In normal sleep, two processes interact to keep people awake for approximately 16 hours and asleep for around eight hours. One process keeps track of the need to sleep, while the other method (controlled by the circadian clock), provides strong signals favoring sleep or waking at specific times. 

Sleep disorders can be caused by a mismatch between sleep needs and the timing of the signals from the circadian clock. The result can be fatigue, poor work performance, and sleep disturbances, particularly difficulty falling asleep or waking up at desired times. 

Night shift work 

People who work at night often experience reduced alertness and job performance during their shift, as well as inadequate daytime sleep ( one to three hours less) when they return home. They may also have trouble staying awake while driving home. 

Advanced Sleep Phase Syndrome (ASPS) 

ASPS folks are “early birds” with bedtimes around 6:00- 9:00 pm, and early morning awakening around 1:00- 3:00 am. Sleep quality is generally normal if they can go to bed early, but poor if trying to stay up late. 

Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome (DSPS) 

DSPS people are extreme “night owls,” with bedtimes around 3:00-6:00 am and wake times around 12:00-3:00 pm. Sleep quality and duration are normal when they are allowed to sleep at their preferred biological times, but DSPS symptoms appear when trying to sleep earlier because of work or school demands. 


Conflicts between the circadian clock and work/social demands can lead to poor sleep. Careful control of exposure to light and sleep timing can help people adjust their clocks to the requirements of their jobs and social lives. 

Suggested readings 

Boivin, D.B. & Boudreau, P. (2013). Circadian rhythms and insomnia: Approaching the time barrier.  Insomnia Rounds, 2(4), 1-8. https://css-scs.ca/files/resources/insomnia-rounds/150-010_Eng.pdf

Fritz, J., Vopham, T., Wright, K., Vetter, C., & Fritz, J. (2020). A chronobiological evaluation of the acute effects of Daylight Saving Time on traffic accident risk. Current Biology30(4), 729–735.e2. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cub.2019.12.045

Walker, M. (2018).  Why We Sleep: Unlocking the Power of Sleep and Dreams. Scribner. 

Elaine Waddington Lamont, Ph.D., M.S.W., R.S.W. is a clinician at CFIR (Ottawa) with experience in helping people to rediscover and harness their inner resources. Elaine has spent the past 15 years doing neuroscience research aimed at better understanding how the environment influences biological rhythms like sleep, hormones, and metabolism, which, in turn, affects our mental health. 

Five Easy Tips to Improve Your Sleep Quality

by: Dr. Karine Côté, D.Psy., C.Psych. 

Do you have a hard time falling asleep? Do you wake up frequently during the night? Do you tend to wake up too early? Do you feel like your sleep is never really restful? You are definitely not alone! According to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, about 30% of adults experience occasional insomnia, and 10% of the population suffers from chronic insomnia. 

The impacts of sleep difficulties on our psychological and physical functioning are diverse. They can include mood fluctuations, increased stress and irritability, problems with concentration and motivation, low energy and fatigue, an upset stomach, and muscle tension and headaches. Fortunately, there are strategies that can help improve your sleep quality. 

1. Practice sleep hygiene

Limit coffee, tea, and sugar intake after 3 PM. Eat your dinner and exercise at least two hours before your bedtime. Your bedroom should be comfortable and quiet, and try to limit looking at electronics, screens, and alarm clocks while in bed.

2. Implement a sleep routine

Maintaining a consistent routine throughout the week is vital. Ideally, your bedtime and wake-up time should be the same every day, even on weekends! 

3. Limit time spent in bed to sleeping

Time spent in bed should be reserved for sleeping (and romantic activities) only. Activities such as watching TV or reading in bed can contribute to your sleep difficulties. It is, therefore, more beneficial to engage in these activities in a comfortable space outside of your room and go to bed only when feeling sleepy. 

4. No napping

It is often tough to resist napping when we feel tired. However, to give you the best chance of sleeping during the night, eliminating any length of napping is essential.

5. Regulate your anxiety

Our sleep difficulties are often related to anxious thoughts that are hard to control. Writing them down before bedtime can help release anxious feelings, while also being reassured that your thoughts are not forgotten in the morning!

Consistently practicing these strategies will give you the best chance to overcome your sleep difficulties. However, if these tips do not work and insomnia persists, don’t be discouraged! Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) offered in psychotherapy can help you regulate your sleep and provide beneficial effects that last well beyond the end of treatment. Don’t hesitate to reach out to Centre for Interpersonal Relationships for support – it is time to prioritize your sleep and regain restful nights! 

Dr. Karine Côté, D.Psy., C.Psych. is a psychologist at the Centre for Interpersonal Relationships (CFIR). Dr. Côté provides psychological services to individual adults and couples experiencing a wide range of psychological and relationship difficulties related to mood and anxiety disorders, trauma, eating disorders, sleep disruptions, and interpersonal betrayal. She works from a humanistic approach and integrates therapeutic techniques from gestalt and object relations psychotherapies, emotion-focused therapy (EFT), and cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT).