Deepak Singh, M.Ed.
Assessment is an important first step to seeking appropriate psychological treatment. A psychological assessment can be helpful in identifying underlying causes of an individual’s symptoms, creating a plan for treatment, evaluating the need for academic or occupational accommodations, and monitoring individual’s progress in treatment. Although psychological assessment may reveal a specific diagnosis, they are also useful in understanding individual’s strengths and areas of growth and finding ways of supporting daily functioning. As a psychometrist at the Centre for Interpersonal Relationships (CFIR), I conduct comprehensive psychoeducational and psychodiagnostic assessments for adults, adolescents, and children. I am currently working under the supervision of a variety of certified registered psychologists at CFIR (e.g., Dr. Brent Mulrooney, Dr. Ashwin Mehra, Dr. Jake Keithley). I provide assessments for a variety of disorders such as ADHD, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Learning Disabilities, Intellectual Disability, Oppositional Defiant Disorder, Conduct Disorder, Depressive Disorders, Anxiety Disorders, Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders, Trauma-and Stressor Related Disorders, and many more.
During an assessment, I take a collaborative approach to identifying your strengths and areas of growth. I will ask you to share your developmental, educational, occupational, psychological, medical, substance use, and family history. This allows me to develop a thorough understanding of your functioning. I also conduct a detailed interview to learn more about your concerns and functioning. In my work with children/adolescents and their families, I conduct multiple interviews to understand different perspectives about the presenting concerns. I aim to provide an inclusive and comfortable environment for individuals of all gender identities, sexual orientations, abilities, ethnicities, cultures, and relationship types. I use empirically supported assessment practices to help you understand the nature of your difficulties. As a practitioner who values an integrative approach to therapy and assessment, I draw from a variety of theories to help with my conceptualization.
I am currently completing my PhD in School and Clinical Child Psychology at the University of Alberta, where I also completed my Masters degree. I completed my pre-doctoral residency placement at the South Island Residency Program in Clinical and Counselling Psychology in Victoria, BC. Through my professional training, I have completed practicum placements in a variety of settings such as university clinics, youth addiction centers, and school districts. Outside of practicum experiences, I have extensive experience in therapy and assessment through my work with private psychologists and organizations, such as Stop Abuse in Families.
Although my work at CFIR is currently limited to psychoeducational and psychodiagnostic assessments, I also have experience in providing therapy using a variety of evidence-based techniques from emotion focused therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, interpersonal therapy, play therapy, dialectical-behavioral therapy, attachment focused, exposure-based and mindfulness-based approaches.
Having spent 10 years in India, I am proficient in Hindi and Punjabi, and have a special interest in understanding cultural issues within the practice of assessment and therapy. I have published and presented papers and posters in various peer-reviewed journals, conferences, and seminars. Some of my publications and presentations are listed below.
- Bulut, O., Cutumisu, M., Singh, D., & Aquilina, A. M. (2020). Guidelines for generating effective feedback from e-assessments. Hacettepe University Journal of Education, 35(Special Issue), 60-72.
- Bulut, O., Cutumisu, M., Aquilina, A. M., Singh, D. (2019). Effects of digital score reporting and feedback on students’ learning in higher education. Frontiers in Education, 4(65), 1-16. 10.3389/feduc.2019.00065.
- Cormier, D. C., Bulut, O., Singh, D., Kennedy, K. E., Wang, K., Heudes, A., & Lekwa, A. J. (2018). A systematic examination of the linguistic demand of cognitive test directions administered to school-age populations. Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 36(4), 337-353. 10.1177/0734282916678336
- Cormier, D. C., Bulut, O., McGrew, K. S., & Singh, D. (2017). Exploring the relations between Cattell-Horn-Carroll (CHC) cognitive abilities and mathematics achievement. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 31(5), 530-538. 10.1002/acp.3350,
Conference Presentations
Research Posters Presented:
- Cormier, D. C., Singh, D., & Dykshoorn, K. (June 2018). Predicting response to academic intervention in reading from specific cognitive abilities. Poster presented at the 29thInternational Congress of Applied Psychology, Montreal, Canada.
- Singh, D., & Cormier, D. C. (March 2015).Effectiveness of reading interventions with second grade children. Poster presented at the 8thAnnual G. M. Dunlop Educational Psychology GraduateStudent Colloquium, Edmonton, Canada
- Singh, D., & Cormier, D. C. (June 2015).Advancing cognitive test interpretation with bilingualpopulations. Poster presented at the 76thAnnual Canadian Psychological AssociationConvention, Ottawa, Canada.
- McDonald, J., Penniston, T. L., Guingcangco, J., Singh, D., & Morry, M. M. (April 2013). How priming representations of a close relationship partner influences relationship cognitions. Poster presented at The Prairie Undergraduate Research Conference, Winnipeg, Canada.
- Granger, S., Singh, D., Guingcangco, J., Hall, A., & Morry, M. M. (April 2012). Stress, stress everywhere: self-construals, stress, and health as predictors of relationship satisfaction.Poster presented at The Prairie Undergraduate Research Conference, Winnipeg, Canada.
- Singh, D., Legge, M., Guingcangco, J., Sawich, S., Bokhari, F., Morry, M. M., & Vohs, K. D. (April2012). What’s money got to do with it? Priming money and asking for help. Poster presented at The Prairie Undergraduate Research Conference, Winnipeg, Canada.
Research Papers Presented:
- Bulut, O., Aquilina, A., & Singh, D. (July 2018). An interactive score reporting system for improving the quality of formative feedback. Paper presented at the International TestingCommission Conference, Montreal, Canada.
- Bulut, O., Cutumisu, M., Singh, D., & Aquilina, A. (July 2018). Guidelines for generating effective feedback from computer-based assessments. Paper presented at the International TestingCommission Conference, Montreal, Canada.
- Singh, D., & Cormier, D.C. (June 2018). Examining CanadianTeacher’s Perceptions of theImportance of Cognitive Abilities in the Classroom. Paper presented at the 29th International Congress of Applied Psychology, Montreal, QC.
- Cormier, D.C., Singh, D., Heudes, A.R., & Bulut, O. (February 2016). Linguistic Demand of Cognitive Test Directions Across Commonly Used Batteries. Paper presented at The AnnualConference of the National Association of School Psychologists, New Orleans, Louisiana.
- Cormier, D.C., Bulut, O., Niileksela, C.R., Singh, D., Funamoto, & A., Schneider, J. (February 2016). Revisiting the Relationship Between CHC Abilities and Academic Achievement. Paper presented at The Annual Conference of the National Association of School Psychologists, New Orleans, Louisiana.